г. Пенза, пр-т. Победы, 69, корпус 1
8 8412 47-60-33 (справочная)
8 8412 477-888
8 8412 47-78-90

About the company

Established in 1961, JSC ‘Penza Industrial Corporation “Electropribor” ’ is one of the leading Russian companies in manufacturing and supplying special-purpose telecommunication and communication equipment used at stationary and mobile control points for various purposes, to provide reliable cryptographic protection of confidential voice, documentary, and graphic information.

As for branch subordination, the company is a part of the Federal Industry Agency, and more specifically, involved in the Department of Radioelectronic Industry and Control Systems (DREI&CS).

In order to organize effective corporate and cooperative interaction of enterprises of the radio-electronic complex, the Board of Directors of enterprises of DREI&CS, covering the Volga Federal District as well, was established in accordance with the order of the Russian Agency for Control Systems (RACS) No. 79 dd. 15.07.03 and united about 120 companies within the industry.

The Council (a self-organizing public body acting on a democratic basis) undertakes the following tasks:

  • unconditional fulfilment of the government’s order;
  • creation and use of modern technological base;
  • re-equipment of enterprises
  • ensuring interaction between the DREI&CS management and enterprises of the industry;
  • diversification of research and production activities of enterprises of the industry;
  • exchange of scientific, technical and production experience;
  • cooperation;
  • carrying out joint research and development activities (R&D).

Now batch production manufactured and delivered by the enterprise includes:

  • complexes of cryptographic protection technical means, data reliability strengthening, data transmission/reception and distribution;
  • equipment for speech, documentary (PC), and facsimile information cryptographic protection;
  • switching equipment;
  • signal conversion devices for digital information transmission;
  • modems and multiplexers for data transmission via voice frequency channels and the main digital channel.

The equipment manufactured by the company belongs to hardware-software technical means and therefore firm skills in operating it in a competent way, timely maintenance and repair are required of maintenance personnel.

In order to train the Customer's specialists in operating rules, maintenance and repair, the company offers the following services:

  • To train the Customer's specialists in operating rules and maintenance both in the Customer's and the Supplier's territory.
  • To supply with the necessary quantity of spare part sets and spare parts in bulk according to the standard spare parts list for each type of supplied products.
  • To supply the Customer with required test-and-control equipment and engineering units to carry out reconditioning repair and to assist with the setting up of repair shops and specialists’ training.
  • To work out, manufacture and supply the Customer with a specialized equipment room for maintenance service.

The enterprise has licences required for its industrial activity.

Licence to carry out activities in the sphere of data protection

Licence for execution of work related to the creation of information security safeguards

Licence to carry out measures and/or provide services in the sphere of state secret protection

Licence for execution of work related to the use of information constituting a state secret (level – “special importance” (top secret))

Licence to carry out measures and/or provide services in the sphere of state secret protection (level - “special importance” (top secret))

Licence to carry out measures and/or provide services in the sphere of state secret protection (level - “secret”)

The organization has a quality management system that covers the development, production, realization, testing, maintenance, installation, assembly, repair and recycling of civilian products in accordance with the classes of the Uniform Codifier of Issue Article: 1210, 5805, 5810, 5811, 5815, 5819, 5820, 5821, 5895, 5910, 5915, 5920, 5935, 5965, 6130, 7010, 7015, 7030; the All-Russian Product Classifier 2 codes:,; the Russian Classification of Economic Activities 2 code: 27.90, meeting the requirements of the State Standard GOST R ISO 9001-2015, GOST RV 0015-002-2012.

Certificate of Conformity of the Quality Management System of JSC «PIC «Electropribor»

Labour Protection Policy of JSC «PIC «Electropribor»

Environmental Policy of JSC «PIC «Electropribor»

Quality policy of JSC «PIC «Electropribor»

Certificate of compliance with the environmental management system

Information on special assessment of working conditions implemented by the Dialogue-consulting company

Information special assessment of working conditions implemented by the EcoZhilStroy company

Notification of reorganization

уведомление о реорганизации
